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Maths and Chemistry Tutoring in Bloomsbury

My name is Patricia, I just graduated from UCL after completing a Master in science and I am a passionate about biology and chemistry. I come from a very big family so I'm big on support and compassion.

Tutoring Experience

I have been tutoring my little cousins for most of my educational experience (especially in English and Biology). I also have experience in tutoring Biology and Chemistry GCSE to family friends.

Tutoring Approach

My approach to teaching is based on starting with the theory accompanies by visuals (I find that in science this is most effective) and with lots of practical examples and lots of practice questions. I also find that writing things down by hand has always helped me memorising so I encourage my students to do the same (whether its on pen and paper or on the iPad/tablet). Sometimes I find helpful videos online to accompany my lessons.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Spanish, Italian
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


St.Clare's Oxford2019SchoolIB (40/45) - HL Bio, HL Chem, HL English Literature
Imperial College London2023BachelorsUpper Second Class Honours in BSc Medical Biosciences
UCL2024MastersDistincition in MSc Drug Discovery and Pharma Management
Rating from 2 references


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