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In person or online. I have been teaching for over 14 years. I am a middle manager, and have held a Head of Department role in Geography and I am currently the Head of Geology. I teach both subjects at GCSE and A-Level and have privately mentored students for a number of years. I have been a senior examiner for a leading exam board for Geography and continue to mark the new spec syllabus. I have previously acted as an A-level marker in Geography and OCR A2 Geology.

Previous to teaching I spent 6 years in a Geology related industry both for the military and for some of the countries leading engineering and construction companies. I studied for my first Research Masters at UCL-Birkbeck Earth science institute, where I gained a Distinction in Geology and Geophysics, at an institute ranked within the top 5 Earth Science departments in the country. My work has also been published in the International Journal - Proceedings of the Geological Association and has been cited in Geomorphology textbooks set at degree level reading. Each year I run field trips, and have experience of many different locations including Iceland, Sicily, Devon, Cornwall, the Lake District and a range of other coastal locations. This is invaluable when understanding fieldwork projects that students undertake.

I worked on the development of the Geography GCSE and A level Specs in 2018, and mark as a senior Geography examiner.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught for over 16 years in a mixed comprehensive in Essex, and a high flying single sex school in Hertfordshire which was ranked in the top 100 states school in 2015. I am QTS, qualified to Master of Education level and currently hold a middle management position, alongside a number of senior school duties. For a number of years I have held positive residual scores for both my A-Level and GCSE classes in both Geography and Geology, with results considerably higher than the national average in both subjects. I have sound knowledge of Geography fieldwork projects both for GCSE paper 3 exams and A-level non examinable assessment.

In Geology, I have good knowledge and understanding of fieldwork projects and the application of required field skills and laboratory work.

Tutoring Approach

It will vary depending on students, but will include a mixture of exam skills, and case studies linked to the development of more detailed subject knowledge and ability to formate evaluative arguments around key theory. I have a wide range of experience to draw from, and first class resources and Examiner knowledge that I am able to share. I have also been a fellow of the Geological Society for 13 years, and keep on top of current developments in Earth Science.
I have a good track record of supporting students to improve considerably through a tailored intervention of exam practise and theoretical knowledge.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


UH2003BachelorsGeography and Geology (Hons)
UCL Birkbeck research institute2006MastersGeophysics
DoE2009QTSQualified Teacher Status
Edge hill2012Masterseducation

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Rating from 2 references


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