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Music Lessons in Hove

Hello there!
I have been training and performing professionally as a singer for 18 years now, and over that time I have been able to hone my craft to a high level. I am competent in many different genres, and I believe I am a strong advocate for vocal health.
I have worked with bands, solo, on stage, in the studio, and I have experience singing on ships. Singing is my livelihood, and I am extremely proud to belong to such an industry.

Tutoring Experience

Over the years, I have received a variety of students, meaning my knowledge of genres and techniques is still as fresh as it was when I first began training. I've worked with people who are preparing for auditions (usually musical theatre) people who want to sing for their loved ones, and of course, people who have never sung before and want to try something new. I've worked with students who started with no confidence whatsoever, and more advanced singers who have struggled with vocal health issues, and are looking to rediscover their voice.

Tutoring Approach

I do not work to a template. Every student is different and each lesson is tailored accordingly. Every student, however, covers warming up and down, the basic techniques required for safe singing, and tips on how to take care of your voice when you're not singing. From their, we can be more selective depending on the goals a student has, or simply the type of songs they would like to sing. I always aim to create an informal environment, because I believe that learning to sing should always be a positive experience. The best place to make mistakes is in a lesson, where you can learn from them, and even laugh about them! I never expect my students to apologise if they make a mistake; I only ask that they are willing to learn, and can have fun whilst doing so.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


LCM2011OtherGrade 8 Musical Theatre
Brighton Institute of Modern Music2014BachelorsProfessional Musicianship
Trinity2007OtherGrade 8 Singing
Associated Board2004OtherGrade 5 Theory
Rating from 3 references


Subjects taught
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