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MD Rashedul

MD Rashedul

⭐⭐⭐ 100% grade improvement till now! ⭐⭐⭐
Please read my reviews to get to know more about me.
Short story: I have graduated with First class honours in Computer Science.

I have a huge amount of experience tutoring Private school candidates together with Grammar School candidates. Currently at 17 years of experience.

Post-covid: Resumed Face to face sessions + continuing Online sessions too.

I have an amazing high quality setup to do ONLINE tutoring. My lessons come white-boarding with digital pen to inscribe nicely on the screen and discuss any difficult materials. My current candidates prefer online compared to face2face these days.

Tutoring Experience

I am delighted and quite happy to state, ALL my candidates whom I have taught have either received their expected grades or have improved atleast 1 or 2 grades higher than what they came to me with. It is my utmost pleasure to have taught them.

As of July 2024, I have near about 19 years of experience in tutoring.

I have already taught multiple exam boards: Edexcel, AQA, OCR, WJEC, BTEC. In addition to these, I have tutored for entrance exams for specific private schools, e.g. Merchant Taylors.

I specialise in 5 major Science subjects. Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and Computing.

Recent success:
⭐ 2024: Maths:
Candidate (grade 4) came to me with barely understanding anything in school. Now: Predicted 8 in school mocks.

⭐ 2023: Biology: 3 months crash course
Predicted: C(grade 4) in mocks, candidate ended up getting a A(9) this September 2021. Only 19 mark short of 100%

⭐ 2022: One of my tutees came to me with 6's in Physics, Maths & Bio.
Results this June 2020
Biology- 8

Tutoring Approach

I like clarity and simplicity. First lesson involves getting to know the candidate. Usually I go through a topic that the candidate finds very difficult, upon having the first session - gives me an idea of the candidate. Then I devise a plan with the allocated time the candidate have and work towards that goal

== Styles Available ==

  • Crash course
  • Question paper solving
  • Mock test
  • Exam techniques
  • FULL FLEDGED COURSE (start of book till end)

I cover every style mentioned, however if you are keen on getting a good grade and have ample amount of time, I suggest coming to me with enough time and picking the 'Full fledged course'. I believe every student is capable of getting a 8/9, honestly it is the amount of dedication and effort you are ready to give. So, don't undersell yourself, a topic is 'only' difficult when you don't understand it. Once you understand a concept, and are able to explain it to somebody else, it is easy!

Come and try it with me if you don't think so :-)

== Cancellations ==
I try to be kind and very flexible with my candidates with cancellations, however I had to start a Cancellation policy to control from things getting out of control

  • Any sessions cancelled in the last 24h is charged as Full. Exceptions: Sickness.
  • Any sessions cancelled in the last 48h is charged 50%.
  • Beyond 48h cancellations: FREE
LanguagesBengali, English (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Manarat International2008CollegeA-level Biology (A grade)
Manarat International2008CollegeA-level Physics(A grade)
Manarat International2008CollegeA-level Chemistry(A grade)
Manarat International2008CollegeA-level Maths(A grade)

MD Rashedul's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)1
MD Rashedul
Rating from 4 references


Subjects taught
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