I am an experienced outstanding Science teacher who specialises in Chemistry, Physics and Biology. I teach all three sciences up to GCSE higher level, working at an outstanding school in Birmingham and offering tuition for all ages up to and including triple, higher and foundation level GCSE.
I have experience of working with KS3 and KS4 mainstream students and those with special educational needs across triple, higher and foundation level Chemistry, Biology and Physics.
I have a strong working knowledge of and experience in teaching the new science exam specifications (AQA & Edexcel etc) as evidenced in proven results for my students. I am one of few teachers at my school chosen to teach 6 year 11 classes this year. I also have access to practice exam questions which students find highly beneficial as this is a major area which requires focus and practice, alongside being taught difficult concepts in a simplistic and accessible way.
Languages | English (British) |
Availability | Weekdays (evenings) |
References Available | On File |
Ninestiles SCITT Teaching Alliance | 2015 | PGCE | Pass (with Outstanding features) | |
Manchester Met University | 2000 | Bachelors | BSc (Hons) Chemistry Degree |
Feedback | |
Published feedback | |
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative) | 1 |