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Home Tuition for Maths and Physics in Walsall

I have been tutoring in Maths and Sciences for several years now and have had a successful 100% pass rate from my students at Primary, GCSE and A-level. I believe that I am able to build strong social relations with students and see myself as a strong teacher by promoting positivity and critical thinking to solve challenging problems. I relish the opportunity of a challenge and I constantly strive to be able to recognise and appreciate different learning styles and techniques when helping students at different working levels. The recognition of their learning styles and techniques has been a huge benefit in my teaching, I have been able to review the current status of the child and create and a development plan to achieve their goals academically and personally.

Tutoring Experience

I have been a tutor for several years now. I initially started tutoring at university via the use of Skype. Upon completing my Engineering Masters I started a tuition business in Birmingham expertising in Maths and Physics at all levels.

Tutoring Approach

I work with students to understand their current level of working and in turn create a learning development plan to bridge their learning gap. This plan is tailored to the student to allow them to achieve and support their academic and career aspirations.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Punjabi, Hindi
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


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Sheffield Hallam University2016MastersMechanical Engineering

Ravinder's Feedback

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Rating from 2 references


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