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If you prefer to speak with an education advisor about a personalised tutor match, please call Varsity Tutors UK at 0203 962 1468, to connect with an education advisor.


A wealth of experience in business and coaching.
I began my working life as journalist more than 30 years ago. It brought a passion for our language, a fanaticism for grammar and a love of literature.
After many years as a landscaper I had an epiphany while on a rugby coaching course which led me to sell my business and take up coaching sports in schools.

Tutoring Experience

Five years introducing rugby to Key Stage 2, 3 and 4 pupils.
Coaching all abilities.
Through coaching improving pupils' life skills.
Supply teaching specialising in helping pupils with complex and behavioural issues.

Tutoring Approach

Active, creative, on point and enjoyable.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Rugby Football Union2013ProfessionalUKCC Level 2
Rugby Football League2017ProfessionalUKCC Level 2
London School of Journalism1985OtherDiploma in Journalism
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
25% discount on your first lesson!
Casual Learner£60£45
PE / Sport ScienceIn-personOnline
Casual Learner£40£30
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