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I am a recently retired female teacher. I have four children and ten grandchildren and am well aware of problems in education caused by the pandemic. I hope to be able to help remedy these by 1:1 tuition.

Tutoring Experience

On qualifying, I taught Chemistry and Physics at Queen Anne Grammar School, York.
I then had a career break in order to bring up my children.
I taught at Birmingham Children’s Hospital for 25 years. I was responsible for the delivery of Maths and Science across the Hospital.
Since retiring, I have worked at the Tuition Centre in Sutton Coldfield and also tutored students in my home.

Tutoring Approach

Initially, I ask the student about their career aspirations and their feelings about Maths/Science. I will then try and ascertain their strengths and weaknesses. Whilst concentrating on their weaknesses, I will also include work relating to their strengths. I will keep detailed records so that I can show them progress made. I will endeavour to always maintain a positive atmosphere.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of York1969BachelorsBA hons (Chemistry)
University of Leeds1970PGCETeaching certificate

Rosalind's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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