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Online Maths and English Lessons

I have a bachelor’s degree in biomedical science from University of Sheffield and I am currently in my fifth year of medical school. Throughout my academic career, I have consistently demonstrated a commitment to pushing myself and excelling in education, as a student and as a mentor.

Tutoring Experience

I have 2 years’ experience of tutoring students in subjects such English language/literature, Maths, Triple Award Sciences and History. Teaching a variety of subjects has equipped me with the skills to adapt my teaching style to cater to the diverse learning of individual students. I have taught a higher number of GCSE students with a handful of ALevel students.

Tutoring Approach

My approach involves addressing the immediate academic support like polishing on certain topics but also fostering a growth mindset towards learning. I successfully assisted students in improving their grades and developing effective study habits to get the highest grades. This was done by consistently creating a positive and engaging learning environment where my students felt comfortable to ask questions and express their difficulties.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Sheffield Hallam University2022BachelorsBsc Biomedical Science
Wolverhampton girls high school2019SchoolBiology
Wolverhampton girls high school2019SchoolChemistry
Wolverhampton girls high school2019SchoolHistory
Heath Park2016SchoolEnglish
Heath Park2016SchoolMaths
Heath Park2016SchoolBiology
Heath Park2016SchoolChemistry
Heath Park2016SchoolPhysics
Heath Park2016SchoolHistory
Heath Park2016SchoolStatistics
Heath Park2016SchoolSpanish
Heath Park2016SchoolICT
Rating from 3 references


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