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Maths and Greek (Ancient) Tutoring in Croydon

As a teacher, my main goal is to motivate students to do their best and extend their personal limits. I encourage students to construct their own learning in an environment that stimulates and helps students to realise their full potential. I strive to instil a love of learning and make learning exciting and interesting.

Tutoring Experience

My expertise and qualifications will lead to strong results in my work. Special knowledge in practice and theory accumulated in my experience are leaders in creating a good working program. I have been very successful at accommodating diverse student needs by facilitating all styles of learners, offering individualised and extracurricular support and integrating effective materials. I have had the opportunity to teach students who functioned "below", "on", and "above" grade level. I can motivate the team with which I work for the establishment and implementation of clear objectives. I think that my experience responds to your requirements. As the leader of the team in my work, I had to do spill programs for encouraging learning by using a number of different manipulatives, hands-on activities, and various forms of technology, by incorporating class discussions, open-end questions, and cooperative learning. I am able to facilitate a highly interactive class atmosphere. In addition, I utilise weekly quizzes and monthly tests to track student progress, locate areas of weakness, and prepare students for final exams.
Concomitant use of methods for individual and group work gives remarkable results. Setting individual goals to be achieved through teamwork is the basis of any of my ways of rallying movements.

Tutoring Approach

After graduating from the University, I worked for 16 years in educations field as a Teacher (3 years as a Teacher at Primary school,13 years as a Visiting Lecturer at a High School ) and 5 years as a Private Tutor.

LanguagesBulgarian, Greek, Russian, English (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Technical University, Gabrovo, Bulgaria1995MastersMechanical Engineer
QTS2016QTSQualified Teacher
Technical University, Gabrovo, Bulgaria1994Professionalfashion designer

Sevdalina's Feedback

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Rating from 2 references


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