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Online French and German Tuition

Foremost, I consider myself a person with a strong aptitude for teaching, combined with self-confidence and the ability to take critic of my work, constructively. Since a young age, I have demonstrated a spirit of sacrifice to get all my objectives.

I have been working in British schools in the UK for four years, which is helping me to expand further my professional career in education.

Tutoring Experience

I graduated from university in Spain in 2008 with the equivalent of a B in MFL and subsequently moved to France where I embarked on a career in education.

I worked in a high school in Angoulême as a Spanish language assistant for the academic year 2008-2009, which gave me the opportunity to improve learners’ performance in Spanish, including GCSE and A levels.

In 2011 I was accepted onto the Graduate Teacher Programme (GTP) organised by CILT, with the aim of becoming a qualified Spanish and French teacher in the UK. My main training school was The Westlands School in Sittingbourne (Kent) and in November 2011 I undertook a second placement for four weeks at Borden Grammar School in Sittingbourne (Kent). I gained QTS in 2012.

Nowadays, I am working as self-employed in MFL, where I am developing further my teaching skills inside an outstanding work atmosphere with private clients.

My greatest strength is to inspire and motivate learners. I am able to engage their minds by incorporating a variety of enjoyable activities and learning projects. I teach students covering the whole spectrum in Key Stage 3, 4 and 5. I really enjoy teaching these students and aim to provide them with material and teaching tailored to their needs, as well as demonstrate direct connections between the classroom and everyday life.

Tutoring Approach

In my lessons I use a variety of teaching techniques and provide material that allows for a varied and stimulating learning experience, especially with these high ability sets. Besides, I always use ICT as a teaching tool to introduce new vocabulary or to support language-learning games, as well as for independent learning.

As well, I have a great deal of patience and know that little steps in learning go a long way. This quality, I believe is especially important in dealing with young people. In the same line, I am flexible, open minded and empathic when approaching my learners. I enjoy creating new ways of learning and using all the tools to hand, to use traditional and innovative approaches to learning.

LanguagesSpanish, English (British), French, German
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


CILT2012QTSMFL teacher
Instituto Francisco de Vitoria (Spain)2011ProfessionalTourism
Universidad del País Vasco (Spain)2008BachelorsMFL degree

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