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I'm a STEM champion with over 15 years teaching experience as a university lecturer and tutor in mechanical and maritime engineering. I also have specialist knowledge of UCAS university admissions for home and international students. My passion is to bring young people on and see them fly in their careers. A pleasure of mine is keeping in touch with my ex-students, some of whom haven now risen to the very top of their careers.

I've supported many hundreds of engineering students, from sixth formers through to masters and PhD postgraduates. I've supported many students in one to one tutor sessions alongside teaching roles including lectures for core engineering modules, tutorials, exams, summer schools, dissertation supervision and mentoring of project teams. I've worked in the UK and internationally. If it's done by a lecturer in a university, I've probably done it!

In 2024, seeing the urgent need for more Physics teachers in the UK, I made the decision to make a big change and take on a new challenge. I'm now re-training to be a secondary teacher of Physics through a one year 'straight in the classroom' scheme. I'm working from KS3 through to A-Level. It's a big yet hugely satisfying challenge, and I'm really enjoying working with younger students and motivating their learning.

Tutoring Experience

I have broad teaching experience in the classroom and alongside this I've supported many students at an individual level in 1-1 tutor sessions, group tutorials, team meetings and online help. I was the senior pastoral tutor for the degrees I taught, and was one of the approachable 'go to' lecturers for many students needing extra help and advice with their studies. It was always a pleasure of my job.

Underpinning my teaching is my professional background. I'm a chartered Naval Architect with wide industry experience in the maritime engineering sector. my university teaching specialisms are solid mechanics, fluid mechanics and engineering design. Tutoring applied mechanics is a particular specialism for me, especially the techniques needed to understand what that knotty problem is actually asking!

Maritime has broad similarities and crossover to many parts of mechanical, civil and aeronautical engineering degrees. A lot of my research time was spent running large scale physical experiments (think big wave machine tanks!). This gives me a wealth of practical experience when teaching Maths and Physics, where I try to bring the subject alive with real examples and applications.

I have extensive experience in university admissions, pastoral support and careers advice in STEM. I was a UCAS selector for 8 years, helping many prospective students through the big decisions and navigating them through the university application process. I can help with personal statements, application tactics and understanding the reality behind the brochures.

I'm also involved in several environmental and heritage organisations as a volunteer, including an incredible project in Kenya called Flipflopi, where we are turning ocean plastics into sailing boats. You need to see it to believe it!

Tutoring Approach

I'm an experienced and motivational teacher with a caring pastoral approach. Feedback from students has often mentioned me to be engaging, conversational and very supportive in my teaching.

When I tutor students, I normally focus on the broader support to your subject learning and wellbeing as well as the technical aspects of answering exam questions etc. At the same time, I try to unlock the bespoke tactics you need to overcome learning barriers and exam hurdles, and I know we sometimes need to develop exam technique at pace.

I'm new to secondary school teaching, but don't let that put you off as I think it comes with advantages too! As a newbie but one with a lot of past education experience I'm fresh, enthusiastic and also learning the very latest teaching approaches. I'm taking my new career seriously and I approach tutoring the same way - it's a great way for me to develop too.

This year I will only take on a few tutees so you don't end up with a burned out tutor! I'm also happy to consider small group tuition.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Newcastle University2005MastersMEng Naval Architecture with 1st class distinction
Newcastle University2011DoctoratePhD Maritime Engineering
Engineering Council2016ProfessionalChartered Engineer
Penistone Grammar School 2000SchoolA level physics (A), mathematics (A), history (A)

Simon's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 3 references


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