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Private History and Geography Tuition in Ladbroke Grove

My name is Sophie, a former senior civil servant and government affairs practitioner. I have always loved humanities subject, taking them to A-level and then Geography and RS to degree level; of which set me up well to have a fantastic career in the Foreign Office. I have several years experience of tutoring and it’s something I’m really passionate about - working with young people to help them achieve their goals and feel really proud and rewarded in return.

Tutoring Experience

4+ years tutoring with leading London Tutoring agency.
Lead mentoring scheme at work which involves 121 coaching with peers.
Two degrees from two of the leading universities in the world - UCL and King's College London.

Tutoring Approach

My approach is all about having an open communication with my tutee to build up trust. Once established, and we’ve both agreed shared goals, I will help the tutee to breakdown workloads, essays and revision into planned, manageable sections. My aim is always to remove the stress and fear out of exams, and with a good plan and strong emphasis on preparation, I help empower young adults to get on top of their learning; think beyond just grades and finally start to enjoy the subject! I also am very happy to mentor young students and provide career advice, if they are interested.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University College London2014BachelorsBA Geography 2.1
King’s College London2017MastersMasters in Religion in Contemporary Society
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
Religious StudiesIn-personOnline
Government and PoliticsIn-personOnline
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