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Online Tuition for Chemistry and Biology

As an ambitious undergraduate student at King’s College London, I have challenged myself to work in different environments throughout my academic career. This has granted me the chance to work in different countries, learn how to communicate with a wide range of students from various backgrounds as well as be supportive and progressive-minded in my everyday life.

Tutoring Experience

I have a well-rounded skill set in tutoring which I have developed throughout my role as a self-employed teacher in Maths, Spanish and English. I also worked as a primary and secondary - student mentor & tutor as well as a refugee’s Spanish teacher, both at the Red Cross. My roles in leadership have strengthened my competences in observation and decision-making, including keen attention to detail and accuracy.

Tutoring Approach

As a science student, I have struggled throughout my academic career to find tutors who could break down complex material into easy and understandable concepts. The hardship made me thrill for original ways to understand its complicacy. I worked very hard to combine the tutoring lessons I attended to a self-disciplined and autonomous way of studying. A method that got me offers from top universities in the world and that I would be very happy to share with your students.

AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


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King's College London2020BachelorsPharmacology
Rating from 2 references


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