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Maths and English Teacher in Maryland

I am currently a third year Law student at University of Warwick where I aspire to be Barrister one day. I have a passion to share my expertise and knowledge with young, ambitious students who strive to be successful and dedicated in their studies. I am available to teach English, Maths, Psychology and Sociology. Please contact me to know more.

Tutoring Experience

  • Third Year Law student at Warwick University
  • Achieved A*AA, in Psychology, English Literature, and Sociology at Harris Academy Chobham
  • Tournaments Officer at University of Warwick Archery Club
  • Work Experience at legal firms i.e. Slaughter and May, Allen and Overy and Clifford Chance
  • Achieved 9 GCSEs -Mentored/tutored a boderline GCSE students in English Literature/Language during my A-levels

Tutoring Approach

I would first give the student a starter activity to complete so I can gauge an understanding of your child’s current ability in that particular topic. I would then introduce the concept of the lesson, and teach new information, for which I would then create a main activity around. I would then give the student a plenary task and homework to complete based on the learning objective of the lesson.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Harris Academy Chobham2021CollegeA Levels
Harris Academy Chobham2019SchoolGCSE
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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