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Private Online French and Spanish Tuition

Having grown up in a bilingual family, I have always had a love of languages. This led me to study French at university, and I lived in France for a year where I taught English in a secondary school.
I currently work part time teaching Languages in a private school.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught French, Spanish and Latin for 16 years across all age ranges, from Nursery to Year 13. I have worked in prestigious schools in South London and Kent.

Tutoring Approach

I aim to impart my love of languages to my students by teaching engaging and dynamic lessons which are tailored to their individual needs. I also aim to build students’ confidence, which is all important when learning a language.
I use a communicative approach with clear explanation of the grammar and tips for memorising vocabulary. I also enjoy teaching about Francophone culture.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Institute of Education London2006PGCEPGCE in Modern Foreign Languages
University College London2004BachelorsBA French
Rating from 2 references


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