I hired this tutor for my nephew, who was facing a significant challenge in his combined science studies. My nephew is in a neurodiverse school for children with Asperger's and autism. Although he’s capable and smart, he hadn’t been taught the full combined science curriculum. With just seven months to cover two years' worth of content, I explained the situation to the tutor beforehand. He was incredibly understanding and tailored his approach to meet my nephew's needs. The tutor not only provided clear, structured lessons but also acted as a mentor, offering pep talks to boost my nephew's confidence and encourage a positive mindset. He also provided valuable tips and methods for approaching the material. The tutor assigns homework, including old exam papers, which has been great for reinforcing the content. While there’s a charge for marking the homework, this was discussed upfront, and it’s been extremely helpful for extra practice. Overall, I’m very grateful for the tutor’s support, which has helped my nephew make great strides in such a short time.
From Julie
Stephen is a fantastic Science Tutor and we are very grateful to be working with him. Stephen teaches excellent study habits as well as content. The exam based homework assigned each week are carefully reviewed and transforming mistakes into improvements are clearly explained. The online lessons are effective, these are intense each week for a couple of hours as is the homework - Stephen puts in 110% into every lesson and this is infectious. My son has 'upped' his game, demonstrated real improvement on his school work and revision test scores have jumped up. Not only is the transformation evident in my son's performance but he has gained the motivation to succeed - this is invaluable. Stephen gives detailed and comprehensive feedback to parents after every lesson so we can all support my son from different perspectives. Can't speak highly enough of Stephen's professionalism and expertise.
From PH
Stephen started helping my son with GCSE Biology and Chemistry in November last year.
He got predicted a 7 in both Biology and Chemistry in his mock exam in January this year.
Stephen taught my son online regularly with his personalised materials. He did not like online lessons previously but with Stephen's method and techniques it was very efficient !! My son enjoyed every sessions with Stephen.
His way of turoring was very unique and professional. Stephen started by showing my son all the topics for GCSE Biology and Chemistry. He then asked my son to identify the topics that he struggled on and needed help with. They then made a plan to make sure that all those topics were covered before the exam started so my son was confident and ready for his exam!
After each session, Stephen sent me the homework to print off for my son to do. When my son completed his HW, I sent it back to Stephen to mark. With this method it was very effective way of tutoring. It helped my son to revise what he had been learning with Stephen and it helped Stephen to see whether my son understood the topic he already taught him from marking his homework.
On GCSE result day last week, 22nd August, my son was very very happy as he got 9 in both Biology and Chemistry. We were very very happy with him too!
Thank you very much Stephen for helping and had been mentoring my son during his GCSE journey.
I highly recommend Stephen to toturing your children.
PH 27/08/2024
From Kathleen
Stephen helped me with AQA GCSE Biology, Chemistry and Physics, in which I received a grade 8 throughout on results day, after being at a grade 5/6 at the end of November in year 11. His tutoring is carefully and thoughtfully tailored to each tutee, and he adapts this throughout, ensuring he is teaching them in the most efficient way so that they can perform their best throughout exams. His tutoring enables the tutee not only remember the topic, but to fully understand it so that they can explain it and answer any type of question that they receive on this topic. Stephen’s tutoring is online - which for some tutors/tutees, makes a large difference, but for Stephen’s it doesn’t. Each lesson is engaging, allowing the student to see the powerpoint and videos of practicals that he projects, but also allowing the student to ask questions and have the ability to learn at their own pace. He helped me form a study schedule that was achievable, but one that I was also able to follow from the end of March, all the way through to the end of exams at the end of June. It made me realise that as long as you are working hard and effectively, you don’t need to be working from the early hours of the morning until late at night, as you require time to rest in order to be able to keep a study schedule going on for the duration of the exam period. The lessons consisted, in my case, of re-learning a topic with Stephen or perhaps being taught one that I hadn’t been, and often continuing to be taught this for a few sessions, to cover all content, and then Stephen would set me homework, on each aspect of this topic, to consolidate my learning, after doing some active recall in the lesson and reviewing my notes. Stephen would then mark this homework, and deliver the feedback to me in the lesson, covering whatever questions or material that I didn’t understand or get the marks on. As the time went on, I discovered that this method of answering as many exam style questions as possible was something that worked for me incredibly well, and by the end of GCSEs I had completed a question pack on every topic. Additionally, Stephen doesn’t solely care about how well you do in the Sciences, he wants you to do your best and achieve great results in all your subjects, so when forming the study schedule, it isn’t dedicated to the Sciences being the top of the hierarchy, but instead it is designed so that you spend the most time on the subjects you need the most time on and so forth. I wouldn’t want to recommend any other tutor for the sciences - Stephen is really incredible at what he does, and he has a lot of experience from being a full-time tutor, but also from teaching A-Level Biology, students of medicine and other courses, as well as being incredibly familiar with each exam board and how to tackle the questions they give you and to know what they want. Thank you Stephen!
From mike
We've found Stephen to be a fantastic tutor and would be very happy to contact him again if our children needed further Science tuition.
From Anthony
Throughout the process, I found you to be extremely thorough in your approach, ensuring that every detail was covered and understood. Your straight-talking manner made it easy to have clear and direct conversations, which I greatly appreciated. Additionally, you were always approachable, making it easy to reach out with any questions or concerns.
It's clear that you are in high demand, and it's no surprise given the level of professionalism and dedication you bring to your work. I wanted to express my respect for the way you manage your services and handle your clients.
From Hiromi
I found Stephen to help me with Science GCSE, Biology in particular, and the progress I made is beyond what I expected of myself. Stephen is a very supportive and knowledgeable tutor who helped me improve not only in my subjects but in the way I learnt and revised. Having lessons online was easy and efficient, and the powerpoints that were used to learn from were effective and very clear. Stephen’s method of teaching involved finding the ways in which I learnt best and adapting, for example including more diagrams, images and videos for a visual learner, how his information in his powerpoints were conveyed so that I could understand the concepts better. One of the most valuable things I have taken away during my lessons with Stephen are the study schedules; they helped me to minimise distractions and fit everything I aimed to do into weekly timetables. Furthermore, the homeworks that I received from Stephen after each topic was covered involved exam-style questions that were extremely helpful for practice and consolidation, especially in the lead up to exams. He ensured that I was not just taking in the new information but also understanding it and would come back to a previous topic and test me on the key ideas. Stephen’s exceptional method of tutoring was apparent from the first session. I am very grateful to him for the things that I have learnt, which I will continue to apply in my next exams and in the future, as well as his impressive dedication to his students and his teaching. Thank you Stephen!
From Akil
Stephen is an exceptional tutor with extensive experience and impressive organizational skills. In addition to his subject matter expertise, he offers valuable guidance on revision, scheduling, and exam techniques that are crucial for success. After every lesson, Stephen provides detailed feedback, highlighting areas of weakness and progress based on a topic-by-topic plan.
My daughter, who has dyslexia, began working with Stephen 12 months ago for combined science. Despite her best efforts, her initial class exam results were disappointing, hovering around 4s and 5s from her first year of GCSE. We suspected that the shift to online learning during the Covid period may have contributed to her struggles, given the lack of practical aspects in science classes. Stephen quickly put her at ease and implemented a structured approach to help her catch up. His use of online lessons and homework has been highly effective, and my daughter enjoys working with him so much that she often requests extra time when she encounters challenges.
Thanks to Stephen's expertise and dedication, my daughter's confidence has grown, and she is now enthusiastic about her progress. We are now aiming for 7s and 8s in her upcoming exams, and she plans to continue studying some science subjects at A-level.
Overall, I highly recommend Stephen as an exceptionally professional and effective tutor.
From Margarita
Stephen was highly effective in motivating my son to review for his Science GCSEs. The homework provided by Stephen was very useful in preparing my son for the three Sciences. As well as assisting him in learning the subjects, Stephen was able to show my son how to manage his time and revise in an efficient way. My son achieved grade 8 in GCSE in all three science subjects. This was 2-3 grades higher for Chemistry and Biology compared to his mocks, which my son took before we started using Stephen. We would recommend Stephen to anyone looking to significantly improve their GCSE Science scores.
From Patricia
Stephen is an amazing highly experienced and knowledge tutor who generally cares about how the student is doing in all subjects. He has helped my son immensely with explaining and building my son’s understanding of challenging scientific concepts. He also shows and teaches how to balance and utilise time effectively by revising, making study effective schedules and assist with exam techniques.
Even though online learning presents many challenges compared to face-to-face learning, Stephen puts in the effort to make the lesson feel like face-to-face learning. Stephen uses real-life situations to explain concepts and how things work including making animations to demonstrate how something works, which I think, is going the extra mile.
Stephen sets a decent amount of homework that strongly relates to what has been learned in the lesson and at school to help my son work on answering exam styled questions, which better prepares him for my assessments.
Stephen started tutoring my son 11 months ago and ever since then, my son has overall felt more confident with assessments. He has given him many exam styled questions and has told him how to improve his answers to better fit an examiner's requirements to get higher marks which have gotten him higher marks.
Stephen is an excellent tutor and a lovely person. He is very professional and communication and feedback after each lesson is very prompt. My son received three 9 grades for his GCSE Biology, Chemistry and Physics and we are over the moon. We cannot thank Stephen enough for all his guidance and hard working.
From Rachel
In this very challenging year for our daughter especially going through the Covid lock down. She lost a lot of school learning and her confidence for all her subjects and especially for her favourite Science subjects. As a consequence she did very poorly for her end of year 10 exams achieving 555 for Sciences. We embarked the support of Dr and immediately after the first session, our daughter gained the confidence simply on how Dr was going to support her with his teaching methods. Dr quickly assessed our daughter’s learning style and needs and with her built a plan to support her achieve positive results,
The uncertainty surrounding her final exams and sixth form choices caused her anxiety. Dr is calm and supportive; he also brings an element of fun into the tutorial, which makes the learning experience more valuable. Initially we were very pessimistic with online teaching but were impressed with Dr ’s patience, encouragement and excellent teaching approach. Keeping our daughter engaged, motivated and focused is no small feat and full credit to Dr for keeping our daughter on track. Our daughter always looked forward to her lessons with Dr and after the lesson she often shared what she learnt. Her confidence grew and I really don`t know how our daughter would have gotten through this academic year without Dr so top marks and huge gratitude to him.
As a result of Dr ’s continued weekly online lessons and regular exam homework as well as guidance on effective revision methods, techniques and help create study schedules, our daughter achieved all 9s for her Science GCSE subjects. She also achieved 8s for her other subjects which we strongly felt Dr 's guidance and study schedule helped. All these points above and many more are why Dr is a great tutor!
Thank you so much Dr !!!
From Tony
AN EXCEPTIONAL TUTOR!! Online lessons with Stephen in preparation for our daughter’s A level Biology exams next year are going extremely well!!
My daughter has been lacking confidence in Biology in the middle of year 12 (even though she achieved 3 grade 9s in her GCSE sciences and five grade 9s and two grades 8s in other subjects).
Stephen’s very caring, reassuring, calm and methodical approach was everything she needed to build confidence and competence in this subject. He is an extremely helpful, reliable and an outstanding tutor. He provides my daughter with comprehensive revision notes followed by exposing her to examination questions. This has enabled our daughter to not only build her confidence but has contributed to improving her class test results. Our daughter now believes that with the invaluable support of Stephen and her continued hard work, she will achieve a grade A or A star for her Biology!!
Stephen is clearly a dedicated, hard working and knowledgeable tutor. He also offers excellent and clear feedback after each lesson and we are very glad we found him and recommend him unreservedly. Thank you so much once again Stephen!!
From Grace
Stephen is really helping my daughter with her GCSE Biology and Chemistry study. My daughter was really lacking in confidence in her knowledge of the subjects and in particular how to prepare for the exams. Stephen is guiding her through the topics, encouraging her and explaining the relevance of each aspect to increase her understanding.
He is exceptionally knowledgeable in all sciences and due to his deep understanding is able to portray the facts comprehensively. Under his tutelage her confidence and understanding of the subject has increased significantly. This has also been reflected in her grades - in her GCSE result she achieved 9 both in Biology and Chemistry.
I heartedly recommend him as an excellent tutor. Very happy and looking forward to book him now for my younger daughter too.
From Joanna
My son is bright expecting to get 9s in sciences, however, in his AP1 exams at the end of November 2020 in Yr11 he got 5 and 6s in sciences which were the results he received before the first lockdown in March 2020. He needed urgent help to catch up with the work he missed and neglected during the pandemic. It was an emergency situation especially since my son was also facing 6th form college exams in January prior to GCSEs.
Just before Christmas my son had his first online session with Stephen. He first went through the syllabus to check my son’s weaknesses and strength, his way of learning, even his character. And then he planned a personalised schedule for him and used it to work through the topics that required more work. This structured plan was very effective and efficient that 5 2-hour lessons were just enough to cover the topics he was weaker at and helped him get ready for the college entrance exam. Thanks to him, my son passed the exam! Stephen really knows the areas where my son needs the most help and works systematically and methodically through them.
His enthusiasm on the subjects also helps my son to hold to his interest and concentration throughout the lessons. His explanation on each topic is clear, thorough and well-presented with personally made power-points. After each lesson, he gives exam style homework which is then marked thoroughly identifying mistakes, weaknesses and potential achievements. After each session he also gives me feedback, which greatly helps me understand what was taught and where more attention is needed.
Stephen is a professional and excellent tutor who not only taught my son with his vast knowledge on sciences but also has a genuine heart and interest in the development of him. He gave a study schedule to help him overcome demotivation under the lockdown and it was amazing how much he was encouraged to follow the schedule and benefited from it.
His online sessions are extremely efficient and productive. As GCSEs are cancelled this year, my son will not be sitting his exams. Yet, we are very happy to continue the sessions as he will embark A-level studies in sciences. I highly recommend him. He is a brilliant tutor with years of experience, genuine passion on education and personal interest in his students.
From Angela
Our son was struggling in all three Sciences and we reached out to Stephen in the Autumn term of Year 11. We had not tried remote learning before, and had some reservations, but it is has proved to be both efficient and effective. Stephen took great care to understand from the outset which were the areas where our son needed most support, working methodically through each topic of his exam syllabus to develop a lesson plan. At the beginning, our son was of the view that he "couldn't do" science; Stephen has succeeded in changing that around, building his self-confidence and instilling a "can do" frame of mind. Although we have not been able to complete all we set out to do - because COVID-19 means that GCSE exams are now cancelled - we are optimistic that an assessment of our son's performance will take into account the improvement in his grades over the past six months. Stephen delivered well-planned lessons, with engaging slides to help aid learning and understanding. This was followed up with targeted homework with practice questions on the topics studied. Stephen gave thorough feedback after each tutorial and also took a real interest in our son's performance across all his subjects and his overall wellbeing, which I very much appreciated. Beyond the support he gave in Science, I feel that Stephen has helped equip our son with study skills that will help him through his A level studies and beyond. I would not hesitate in recommending Stephen.
From Arie
I cannot recommend Stephen enough! Even though his lessons are on Skype, his teaching methods are so effective and clear that it makes no difference to having an in person tutor. If there is something that you don’t understand, he will fill in your weak spots and ensure that you have a solid understanding of the basics, helping to further develop your scientific knowledge and exam technique. He is genuinely dedicated to your getting good grades and is invested in your journey, which really helps motivate you to do his homework, revise more efficiently and ultimately do the best you can in the final exams!
From Claire
I would highly recommend Dr Stephen after tutoring my son for GCSE triple science. We made contact in November to give support and guidance running up to the mocks at Christmas and the exams in June
He has a very professional approach to his tutoring, initially taking time to assess the needs of the student and subsequently tailoring his teaching style to accommodate what is required.
Stephen helped my son focus, providing support for time tables and working out the gaps in his knowledge.
The sessions were methodical marking topics off of the curriculum giving a sense of achievement. Exam Based homework was set after each session to assess the knowledge gained.
My son achieved grade 9 in Biology, Physics and Chemistry
From Lisa
Stephen is an outstanding tutor. He is meticulously organised and his online sessions are extremely efficient, focused and highly productive. Stephen has been tutoring my son, who missed virtually a whole academic year due to illness, for all 3 sciences at GCSE level. Through his commitment and planning, Stephen has managed to help our son catch up on all the missed work and enable him to enjoy all the sciences and his lessons at school, and start to excel in some elements. Stephen regularly sets exam based homework and this helps our son to become familiar and confident with how to properly answer questions and to score the highest marks possible. Our son will be sitting his GCSEs this year, with the rest of his year group - without Stephens dedicated tutoring and mentoring, this would never have been possible. We are very grateful for all the ongoing help Stephen gives to our son, and also the regular feedback he gives to me, to help me understand where more support or attention is needed. All in all, a brilliant tutor and experience.
From Carol
We first contacted Stephen in January of this year, because the school was providing inadequate teaching that left my daughter with a sketchy knowledge of Biology and Chemistry. As her GCSEs were imminent, we felt compelled to find a tutor.
Stephen works in an extremely organised manner, with the initial meeting used to discover exactly which topics required more work. From there, he devised a personalised learning and revision plan, which was very helpful. They use this plan to work through the topics each week. It really helps to have a structured plan; I think it prevents exam panic.
Homework is usually a past GCSE paper, which I feel ensures exposure to different types of questions from across all topics. Thus, any knowledge can be tested with weaknesses identified and worked through.
I feel that Stephen has helped my daughter regain her confidence in her upcoming Biology and Chemistry GCSEs. No mean feat, given where she was in January. The turnaround in a few short months is remarkable. He is a very attentive and professional tutor, who I feel genuinely cares for his students. Absolutely worth every penny!
From James
Stephen has been an excellent and motivational tutor for our son, for GCSE science. He tutors him mainly via Skype with the occasional face to face session and we have been impressed how effective the former method has been. Stephen has proved fabulous at working on and improving the weaker topics. He sets regular homework and marks it promptly. One of the best things from our perspective is the constructive feedback that Stephen provides at the end of each session, often spending a significant amount of time on Skype or in person to run through the topics covered and highlighting any areas requiring additional attention. We would strongly recommend Stephen.
From Ritu
My son really enjoyed Science for the first time. Stephen is quite helpful.
From Kadia
My son really enjoys Stephen's lessons. He finds his style of teaching insightful and effective.
My son has gained confidence in his work at school. We even got a call from his teacher stating how well he is doing. Stephen is an excellent tutor and I am grateful for all he has done for us.
Thank you Stephen
From Victoria
Taking Stephen on as a tutor for Michael has been one of the best decisions we have made for his academics. Before Stephen, Michael did not like physics and found it challenging, but since beginning with Stephen, Michael has grown confident in the subject and though he still doesn't like physics, he knows that with everything Stephen has taught him he can do well for this summers exams. Stephen tailors each session to his tutees specific needs and his firm but relaxed teaching style has been the most effective with Michael. It's very obvious that Stephen cares about his tutees and he has been the best tutor we have come across on first tutors. If you want your child to have a great boost in not only grades but confidence, then Stephen is what you need to achieve it.
From Loraine
Stephen's commitment, enthusiasm and passion for his subjects is outstanding. He teaches my son how to 'understand' each topic and my son wishes all his teachers were like him. He is extremely reliable and organised and gives me feedback after every lesson. I absolutely highly recommend Stephen.
From Fatima
I used Stephen's help to get advice on my university examinations and how to tackle the essay questions. Stephen was very thorough with the information i had previously given him and in one meeting had already come up with a plan for me. He gave me the confidence boost i needed in order to do well as i had previously been quite panicked.I would definitely recommend Stephen to other students
From Angela
Stephen is an excellent tutor. He is very thorough. I highly recommend him.
From Vanessa
Stephen is an excellent tutor. He knows his science subjects extremely well and has tailor made a teaching programme for my son. My son has found science difficult in the past but, Stephen has helped him to understand it. His grades and test results have improved as a result and we feel positive about the forthcoming GCSE exams. I would highly recommend Stephen Liu.
From Naseem
We have been very pleased with Stephen.
He is an excellent tutor who engages well with the child. His lesson are very well prepared using a variety of resources.
Importantly, my son had made excellent progress and looks forward to his tutoring sessions. We are pleased with Stephen and hope to continue.
From Nadeem
Dr is a fantastic tutor and a fantastic teacher. He prepares thoroughly for each lesson, takes his time when explaining to my brother. He sets homework and is rigorous when going through it. He is child friendly and very much geared towards ensuring he child understands. Hope to continue with him into A-levels.
From Ahmed
From Chinh
Stephen has helped my son with his scientific knowledge. He puts in a lot of effort for his students by providing detailed power-points as well as explaining in great detail. Stephen has made Martin's lessons very easy to understand for him, going at the students pace. I would highly recommend Stephen to any student who needs tuition in science.
From Hatim
We have been very impressed with Stephen style of teaching and his confidence building with our daughter and us. We will be using him at start of the next year again
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