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Private English and French Tutor in Loughborough

I am a qualified teacher (PGCE with Distinction from the University of Warwick), with substantial teaching experience in both independent and maintained schools. I have a PhD in Theology from the University of Nottingham, which was recognised for making an outstanding original contribution to gospel studies, for which I was awarded the Jeff Randall Scholarship. I attained my first degree, in Theology, from the University of Oxford in 2002. I currently live in Loughborough with my wife Meena, who is also a teacher, and my son Darsh. In addition to teaching, I am a published and award winning author, having written two novels and a gamebook.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught in both maintained and independent sectors, at Kenilworth School, Tile Hill Wood School, Warwick School and Uppingham School, and was commended for teaching excellence in the 2007 Ofsted inspection report for Uppingham. I have tutored dozens of clients, mainly between 2007 and 2014, in Theology, Psychology, English Literature and French. I have, in addition, helped two clients attain their Master's degrees, in Education and Occupational Therapy respectively.

Tutoring Approach

I strive to relate the subject to pupils' own interests and experiences to make learning as relevant and fascinating as possible. I work to develop the critical thinking skills of tutees and dramatically improve their exam technique, which involves discussion, creative writing exercises and analysis of a variety of model exam answers. I further spend a great deal of time producing quality revision sheets for tutees to use as study aids. Crucially, I endeavour to hone pupils' essay writing styles and improve the content of their essays to include cutting edge research and ideas, to make their work stand out from the thousands of other entries. Accordingly, one of my tutees gained the highest marks in the country for her IB English Literature dissertation.

LanguagesEnglish (British), French
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Oxford2002MastersMA (Hons) Theology
University of Warwick2006PGCEPGCE (Secondary) Religious Education
University of Nottingham2024DoctoratePhD Theology

Stephen's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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