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I am 38 year old Conveyancer primarily based in the Cheshire and Manchester areas. I am fond of reading, debating, eating and discovering new things. I am quite lively, not too difficult to get on with, very ambitious but also with an equal dash of a patience. I play a range of sports but mainly badminton, basketball and football from time to time. I am a massive fan of education and self development. I tend to be never too far away from reading a book or learning something new to further myself.

Tutoring Experience

I have over eleven years experience in private tutoring having taught students as young as eight years old to adult learners covering a wide variety of modules, assignments and exam boards within Government & Politics, Law, History and English. In recent years I have worked closely with public tutoring centres and across the Manchester area. I am confident that my experience, approach to tutoring and methods have been substantial in helping each student to progress onto the next stage of their education and beyond. I offer my collective experience, professional and patient approach to any potential tutee who desires to take me on board and achieve their aims.

I believe I can approach any teaching scenario and offer the required angle to ensure success for student and or parent alike.

Tutoring Approach

I tailor my approach to each unique request made and scenario presented. I like to begin with an informal but analytical conversation with the student, parent or both in order to assess strengths and areas where we can develop a plan of action. I aim to take each stage step by step until both you and I are satisfied that we are confident in understanding and coherently explaining the information or context of the material at hand. I am professional in my approach but highly understanding and patient. Most importantly any work set during the session will be wholly relevant, comprehensible and creative in order to match your needs.

I incorporate digital media where required. I do provide PowerPoint presentations for some subjects, when needed, with an interactive projector for lessons and presentations. Presentations can be sent via email at any time as well.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


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Lancaster University2008BachelorsLLB Law
Manchester College2019ProfessionalCLC Level 4
Manchester College2021ProfessionalLicenced Conveyancer

Stephen's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)1
Rating from 5 references


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