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Maths and Physics Lessons in Huntingdon

Employed as a supply teacher so that I can maximise the time I have at home to help my wife and kids. My interests include Sport, Music and popular Science.

Tutoring Experience

After completing my BSc degree in Physics, I worked in the Transport & Logistics industry for 7 years. I then achieved a PGCE in 2018. After completing my NQT year, I began supply teaching in September 2019. This has allowed me to see various schools on different exam boards to know how they set out their expectations differently in their respective questions. My supply teaching has included a placement at a single school from January 2020 to March 2020, which included teaching A-level Chemistry. I have recent tutoring experience for A-level Physics, and both the tutee and their parents recommended me highly afterwards.

Tutoring Approach

I want to pass on my experiences and make them relevant to both your experiences and your current course. I will check with you as questions are tackled or concepts explained whether you have understood. I will try to come at the idea from a different angle if that is helpful to you. I am reliable, and stick to bookings that I have made.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Liverpool2010BachelorsPhysics
Newman University & Northampton Teacher Training Partnership2018PGCETeacher of Science with Physics
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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