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Private Maths and English Tuition in Bedworth

I am a primary school specialist with 30+ years experience.
I love to make learning real, creating real life links so that children can recognise real life applications of what they need to know.
I have always tried hard to inspire children and encourage them through this approach.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught for 30 + years in a variety of schools in Birmingham and Coventry.

Tutoring Approach

I try to get to know pupil’s interests and form a friendly relationship that allows them to feel confident and secure, whilst prepared to learn.
I use a variety of activities to ensure the children have the opportunity to practice and consolidate newly learned skills.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


University College of Ripon and York St John1991BachelorsB.Ed (hons)

Susan's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 3 references


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