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Private Maths Tuition in Oxford

Hello There, I’m Tom, or Mr Removed as my pupils used to call me. I have two children of my own currently in years 6 and 5, and I like to stay active with them and get outdoors, or take them to experience other places and countries.
I left teaching nearly 6 years ago to pursue other ventures, but I have never lost my passion for mathematics, and have always thrived on helping people and making a difference.

Tutoring Experience

15 years of teaching mathematics in secondary schools in Oxfordshire achieving great results. 60% of students exceeded predicted grades, and year on year National curriculum progress was usually 50% above the national average.
Also held other positions of responsibility: Deputy head of sixth form, and Mathematics key stage 5 coordinator.

Tutoring Approach

Friendly and approachable; I want the tutee to feel they can ask anything about maths and not feel any question is daft. Being enthusiastic about my subject, I want to find out how they prefer to learn and adapt the tutoring to that. Something that hasn’t clicked with their teaching can simply be explained in a different manner.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Oxford Brookes University2005PGCEPGCE in secondary mathematics teaching
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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