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Private Online English and Spanish Tuition

I am currently a final-year University student. I study Law with Spanish Law at the University of Sheffield and am on track to graduate with a 1st class honours in 2025.
I enjoy art, reading and writing poetry and going on long walks while listening to my favourite podcasts.

Tutoring Experience

I have been tutoring for the past 4 years in 11+ preparation, English and Spanish.

Tutoring Approach

My teaching methodology is constructivist. This means I use concepts, ideas and subjects that my students already know and enjoy in order to build understanding in the areas that I teach. This also means my teaching style is very flexible as all of my lessons are tailored to my students and their needs. For my GCSE and A Level students, my sessions largely focused on building the skills and confidence necessary to pass exams. However, as we get closer to exam season we will focus more on exam practice and technique. This is largely based on the needs of my students. For my 11+ students, the timeline is typically a bit shorter meaning that we are largely focused on building exam techniques and working through exam questions to build confidence. I do set homework in all of my classes in order to consolidate knowledge and build understanding.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Spanish, Yoruba
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Westcliff High School for Boys2021CollegeA Level English Literature - A
Westcliff High School for Boys2021CollegeA Level Spanish - A
Westcliff High School for Girls2019SchoolGCSE English Language - 8
Westcliff High School for Girls2019SchoolGCSE English Literature - 8
Westcliff High School for Girls2019SchoolGCSE Spanish - 8
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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