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English and English (Foreign Language) Tuition in Fleet

I am an experienced English GCSE focused tutor and I prepare students for their English language and English literature GCSEs. I specialise in helping those who don’t really love English; don’t ‘get’ English; struggle in a big classroom at school; feel left behind or unable to ask questions at school; would like detailed feedback on how they can improve; or who are simply not doing as well as they would like. I try to help my students gain confidence and the skills needed to pass according to their potential. I am nearly always full but can perhaps squeeze in students with some degree of flexibility. I have been teaching English for 25 years and tutoring English with an agency and privately since 2017. I can support students throughout school or just with intensive exam focus in year 11. Students are welcome to come as regularly as they like with no obligation. I have a husband, two children, and a desperately friendly cat who tries to sit in on the lesson. I can do remote lessons by Skype if necessary.

Tutoring Experience

I teach up to GCSE English and have sound knowledge of different poetry anthologies, Macbeth, Lord of the Flies, Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde, An Inspector Calls, Romeo and Juliet, A Christmas Carol, A View from a Bridge and The Sign of Four. I have taught in Japan, Singapore, Italy and Moscow and gained the top grade in my teaching qualification. I have also gained extensive tutoring experience from tutoring many students at home, who are from both comprehensive and private schools local to me; and also online to students nationwide.

Tutoring Approach

My students have had fantastic results and I have received very positive feedback. I have a gentle tutoring style and holistic approach which is intuitive, empathetic and focused on the student for their individual needs. My aim is to build primarily confidence as well as knowledge to help all students achieve their potential. The role of empathy cannot be underestimated in order to make a connection which then enables and encourages the student to have self-motivation. This is essential for success. I have a large library of handouts which I have written that accompany my lessons and can be used for revision. This include essential quotes, exam tips and practice questions. For optimum results I do strongly suggest that all students are prepared to do some form of set work which consolidates what we go through in the lesson and on which we can check understanding and base feedback. The lessons tend to be more oral focussed but with mini exercises if necessary and an hour seems to whizz by hence why homework is necessary to gain the most out of the lesson.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Italian, Japanese
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


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Southampton1986BachelorsBsc hons
Hammersmith college1999ProfessionalCelta

Vivienne's Feedback

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Rating from 2 references


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