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Online Psychology and Study Skills Tuition

I am an experienced teacher of Psychology and Health and Social Care at all levels. I have taught in both the state and private sector. I have written two Psychology textbooks. I am an examiner for health T levels, Psychology BTEC and health and social care BTEC, at the present time. I have a Degree in Psychology and a Masters Degree in Forensic Psychology and Criminology. I currently teach T level and BTEC Health and social care and degree subjects in psychology, criminology and health and social care. I also teach study skills and time management to students of all levels.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught Psychology for 26 years at GCSE, A Level and degree level. I have also taught on adult access courses. I have written criminology degree courses for Lancaster University. I have taught all exam boards for A level and have taught the EDEXCEL and AQA GCSE Psychology courses. I am also on the external advisory board for the new GCSE in Psychology for EDEXCEL as I am an expert examiner in this subject. I also am an examiner for the AQA A level Psychology.I currently teach Health and Social Care and T Level health - I also teach study skills at all levels and i am a wellbeing coach for students.

Tutoring Approach

I am able to give one-off lessons for students struggling in a certain area, regular support lessons throughout the course, help with examinations and introductory sessions for those about to embark on Psychology or health and social care as a new subject. I also teach the study skills and research methods modules across a range of degree subjects
I can also teach Health and Social Care at all levels. I also have experience of teaching secondary Religious Studies.
I can also give study skills advice for other subjects and am a qualified life coach.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Birmingham University1987BachelorsBSc Psychology (honours)
Edge Hill college1988PGCESecondary special needs
Open University2011OtherPost Graduate Diploma in Forensic Psychological Studies
Open University2012MastersMSc Forensic Psychology and Criminoloogy

Wendy's Feedback

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Rating from 2 references


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