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If you prefer to speak with an education advisor about a personalised tutor match, please call Varsity Tutors UK at 0203 962 1468, to connect with an education advisor.


Private Online Maths and Physics Tuition

I am a university student with 4 years tutoring experience, I'm passionate about helping other students reach their full learning potential through personalised teaching approaches.

As a Cyber security student, I have always tried to find ways to ''hack'' learning, and I aim to teach my experience in getting the most out of the time you invest in studying as well as effective exam taking.

Enhancing not only the student's knowledge in the subject, but also their confidence in academic settings.

Tutoring Experience

I am currently working for GoStudent and have been a tutor since college, having worked with SEM students and students attempting to reach A* grades in A levels with great levels of success

Tutoring Approach

I am very flexible in my teaching approach.
I feel the best way to approach explaining STEM subjects for A-Levels and SATs is to simply talk about the subject and establish a base understanding, inviting questions and encouraging the student to reach a conclusion on their own by asking guiding questions.
Resulting in a lighthearted class with a lot of depth and content that engages the student by having them utilise the best proven method for memory retention in a friendly environment.

I also am very competent at teaching exam technique, in order to optimise the process of demonstrating the knowledge that the student has aquired.

I have seen great results in this approach and moreover I find it tends to spark a joy in the subject, that was either never there to begin with or had been lost at some point along the way.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Palma college2019CollegeMath
Palma college2019CollegeChemistry
Palma college2019CollegePhysics
Glasgow caledonian university2022BachelorsCyber security & digital forensics
Rating from 2 references


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