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If you prefer to speak with an education advisor about a personalised tutor match, please call Varsity Tutors UK at 0203 962 1468, to connect with an education advisor.

Chemistry Tutors Near Me

First Tutors helps you locate top private Chemistry tutors. If you are looking for "the best Chemistry tutors near me", we can help.

First Tutors will help you find private Chemistry tuition for any level from primary through to university level. We also offer online Chemistry teachers, so start finding your private Chemistry tutor today!

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60,000+ tutors across the UK
  1. Paul

    Chemistry Tutor Near Me
    I'm a science/maths tutor with over 25 years' experience of dramatically improving students' grades. I'm also a medical doctor, which enables me to make science fascinating and memorable by explaining topics in context. I'm invariably told by parents that I've enabled their children to finally under...
  2. Diane

    Private Chemistry Tuition
    I am an experienced science tutor with over 20 years experience of tutoring GCSE science, A level biology and degree level medical sciences. I spent 25 years as a career scientist working in research in the field of Child Health at the University of Manchester. My first degree was in Physiology and ...
  3. Ellie

    Chemistry Tuition Near Me
    Hello, my name is Ellie, I live in the Wandsworth/Putney area and currently teach Chemistry at the top independent school in London. I attended a leading research university and achieved a Chemistry degree with honors. I grew up in Wimbledon where I completed my secondary education and A Levels. I d...
  4. Jake

    Private Chemistry Tutor
    Hello! I've been a qualified science teacher for 9 years now, specialising in Biology and Chemistry to A Level but teach general science and triple physics up to GCSE level. I've been Head of Chemistry and then Head of Science at a large secondary school in Birmingham, worked as Head of A Levels ...
  5. Lisa

    Home Tuition for Chemistry
    I am 35 years old and currently in full-time employment teaching Chemistry with South Lanarkshire Council. I achieved a 1st class honours degree in Chemistry, and completed my PGDE, at the University of Glasgow. As part of my professional development I am currently working towards completing a Mas...
  6. Ed

    Chemistry Lessons
    I have a doctorate in Neurobiology from the University of Oxford and a degree in Biochemistry from the University of Bristol. I am a fully qualified, experienced A-level chemistry teacher holding a PGCE in science. I currently teach A-level chemistry at a sixth form college and have over 15 years o...
  7. Katy

    Private Chemistry Tuition
    *Only daytime availability (Wednesday 9-11am and Friday 9-12am) and ad hoc sessions, all regular evening slots taken* I have a strong scientific and academic background with a first class Masters in Chemistry degree. Since graduating, I spent 15 years working as a research chemist within the pharm...
  8. John

    Chemistry Lessons
    I am a PhD-qualified biologist and mathematician offering friendly one-to-one online tutoring in science and mathematics. I specialise in online A-level biology tutoring. My sessions are calm, friendly and focussed. I have hundreds of hours tutoring and coaching experience, at all ages from GCSE t...
  9. Arooran

    Chemistry Teacher
    ►►EXAMINER AND QUALIFIED TEACHER◄◄ I can help you and your children to understand the new requirements, retain and improve their academic standards whilst staying engaged with the teaching and learning. I consider myself to be a confident and organised person. I have excellent communication sk...
  10. Blake

    Chemistry Tutoring
    ♦ A DECADE OF TEACHING AND EIGHT YEARS AS AN EXAMINER ♦ With over 10 years of teaching experience and 8 years as an examiner, I bring a wealth of subject knowledge and exam preparation expertise to each tutoring session. My goal is to create a personalized learning experience that makes students ...

Why choose First Tutors for your Chemistry tutor search in the UK?

First Tutors is the best website to discover the most proficient local Chemistry teacher for your needs. Each tutor is required to go through a thorough ID check. In addition, we have extensive pupil reviews on each teacher to help you refine your online Chemistry teacher search. Chemistry can be a difficult subject, and working with an expert Chemistry teacher can really help you fulfill your education goal(s). Often, already a little bit of extra Chemistry tuition or some extra Chemistry classes can make a strong impact! First Tutors is here to make it simple for students. Start private tuition now and find a professional Chemistry tutor near you today!

Become a Chemistry tutor in the UK!

Join First Tutors if you are an online teacher wishing to offer your online Chemistry lessons, or any of our other subjects, please register with First Tutors or find out more about what we do here. An instructor can make a positive impact on a student's life!