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If you prefer to speak with an education advisor about a personalised tutor match, please call Varsity Tutors UK at 0203 962 1468, to connect with an education advisor.

Secondary Craft and Design Tutors Near Me

First Tutors can help you find top private Secondary Craft and Design tutors. If you are looking for "the best Secondary Craft and Design tutors near me", we can help.

First Tutors will help you locate private Craft and Design tuition for any level from primary through to university level and above. We also offer online Craft and Design tutoring, so start finding your Secondary Craft and Design tutor today!

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  1. Edith

    Secondary Craft and Design Tutor Near Me
    I am a painter and art teacher with a first-class degree in History of Art from UCL and a training in classical, nineteenth-century-style drawing and painting from the London Atelier of Representational Art. I will be starting my MA in Fine Art at the Royal College of Art in September 2023. Please s...
  2. Mandy

    Private Secondary Craft and Design Tuition
    I am a Master of Education graduate (first class degree) and I have many years of experience both as a secondary school teacher and as a personal tutor. I have broad experience in providing tutoring across a range of subject areas and I enjoy teaching different subjects as I find that this experienc...
  3. Rachel

    Secondary Craft and Design Tuition Near Me
    I am driven, committed and self-motivated. I enjoy being organised, efficient and solving problems. And, most importantly, I love working with children and helping them to fulfil their full potential. To see a child's confidence and belief in their abilities blossom is incomparable. Working with chi...
  4. Anna

    Private Secondary Craft and Design Tutor
    I am a highly experienced tutor with a Master's in English from Oxford (distinction) and several years experience working in education. I was lucky enough to enjoy my own education, and I love passing on this positive experience of learning to my students. I offer English tuition at any age or leve...
  5. Alexandra

    Home Tuition for Secondary Craft and Design
    I am a qualified art and photography teacher with a PGCE in art and design from Goldsmiths University and an MA in Fashion Photography from London College of Fashion. Currently, I am head of art and photography in a college, however I have experience in teaching students as little as 5 years old, mo...
  6. Purnima

    Secondary Craft and Design Lessons
    I am a passionate individual who wants to impact young people in the best way possible. I lead tutor groups across KS3- KS5 where we learn while having fun. I am an approachable mentor with motivating yet disciplined ways of educating. My teaching approach is positive. I focus on retrieval training,...
  7. Bella

    Private Secondary Craft and Design Tuition
    I am a friendly, qualified Art teacher with six years of teaching experience and I have an ongoing personal art practice. I have a deep understanding of the assessment requirements for both A-level and GCSE Art. I am skilled in guiding students through portfolio development, preparing them for found...
  8. Papakow

    Secondary Craft and Design Lessons
    My name is Papakow but my friends call me Papa. I work in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility and I have a degree in Logistics from Aston University. I take great pleasure in sharing knowledge and I like to learn from the many examples life gives. In my spare time my hobbies include b...
  9. Matt

    Secondary Craft and Design Teacher
    Hello! I am a Design Engineer from York living in Poole, and want to help the next generation engage with the STEM subjects! I like to approach the problem together with the student rather than a question-and-answer traditional style. I also find value in spending a few minutes to have a calm chat w...
  10. Ellis

    Secondary Craft and Design Tutoring
    Hello, my name is Ellis. I have an advantage of having a close experience with the maths and art work I am going to teach. I am a hard working student who moved on to further studies in art and design before going to university this year. I have had the experience of being taught by a private maths ...

Why Tutor Search?

This is the best place to meet the most qualified home Secondary Craft and Design teacher for your needs. Each teacher is required to go thorough ID check. In addition, we have extensive student reviews on each instructor to help you refine your online Secondary Craft and Design tutor search. We provide tutor charges up front, so there are no hidden fees. Secondary Craft and Design can be a demanding subject, and working with an expert Craft and Design tutor can really help you fulfill your education goal(s)!

Want to be Secondary Craft and Design instructor for First Tutors?

If you are an online teacher wishing to offer your online Secondary Craft and Design tuition, or any of our other subjects, please register with First Tutors or find out more about what we do here. Secondary Craft and Design tutor can make a positive impact in tutee's life. Join First Tutors today!