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Media / Communication Studies Tutors Near Me

First Tutors can help you find quality local Media / Communication Studies tutors. If you are looking for "the best Media / Communication Studies tutors near me", we can help.

First Tutors will help you find private Media / Communication Studies tuition for any level from primary through to university level and above. We also offer online Media / Communication Studies tutoring, so start finding your private Media / Communication Studies tutor today!

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  1. Simon

    Media / Communication Studies Tutor Near Me
    I have just returned from Spain where I was teaching at the British Council in Madrid. I have postgraduate degrees in Philosophy and Film Studies. I am a published author. I am married with a daughter. Student centred learning. Providing the appropriate context and tools for students to be inspired ...
  2. Elizabeth

    Private Media / Communication Studies Tuition
    I am a female charity leader in my late 30s. I have a broad range of experience working working prestigious institutions at senior level in roles including communications, governance and project management. I live in Kent with my husband and enjoy travel, walking and baking. I will be keen to focus ...
  3. Philip

    Media / Communication Studies Tuition Near Me
    I am a great lover and consumer of all aspects of contemporary culture. I'm an armchair critic of our wired world and will provide some engaged , pointed ideas for you in a relaxed and amusing way. I live in a large , friendly house in Southsea , full of books, magazines , vinyl albums and video/DVD...
  4. Dani

    Private Media / Communication Studies Tutor
    Former editor and correspondent for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology, I’m studying part-time towards a masters at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. I have 3 years tutoring experience and as a student I interned at the Wellcome Trust in their medical humanities and engagement ...
  5. Michael

    Home Tuition for Media / Communication Studies
    I am a communications expert with extensive experience coaching public speaking in large global organisations. I have anchored and narrated corporate television programmes, ghost-written key speeches, trained executive management and addressed live audiences of over a thousand people. I represent ...
  6. Jakob

    Media / Communication Studies Lessons
    I'm Jakob a full time photographer and studio manager. A few years ago I started a business called Cloud House Studios which is a portrait studio located in Dalston London and Bristol. I also pursue a range of creative endeavors and have previously been commissioned by Birmingham City Council and SH...
  7. Hannah

    Private Media / Communication Studies Tuition
    I am 22 year old English Language and Linguistics graduate from King's College London with a upper second class honours qualification. Since graduating last year. I have spent my time working and volunteering in Dorchester and plan to travel and teach english in the near future. I have always had a ...
  8. Yasmin

    Media / Communication Studies Lessons
    Hi I'm yasmin currently studying my masters in education and work part time as a hr and admin manager. I'm laid back down to earth understand your weaknesses and strengths and build on them.
  9. Francis

    Media / Communication Studies Teacher
    I am a determined young teacher who is passionate about English. The synergy of achievement, intelligence and a well-rounded character is not only effective and valuable for the learning culture but for the greater community and eventually the world. This is my goal and preference for each child, a ...
  10. Francesca

    Media / Communication Studies Tutoring
    I'm a friendly and approachable English teacher and Second in department. Currently, I am employed at an oversubscribed secondary school in Huddersfield. As a current teacher, I'm conversant with both the GCSE English Language and Literature specifications. Most importantly, I can provide support fo...

Why choose First Tutors for your Media / Communication Studies tutor search in the UK?

First Tutors is the only place to search the best private Media / Communication Studies teacher for your educational needs. Each tutor is required to go through a thorough ID check. In addition, we provide extensive pupil reviews on each instructor to help you narrow your online Media / Communication Studies tutor search. Media / Communication Studies can be a demanding subject, and working with an expert Media / Communication Studies teacher can really help you fulfill your education goal(s). Regularly, already a little bit of extra Media / Communication Studies tuition or some extra Media / Communication Studies classes can make a significant impact! First Tutors is here to make it easy for you. Start private tuition immediately and find a capable Media / Communication Studies tutor near you today!

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Join First Tutors if you are an online tutor wishing to offer your online Media / Communication Studies classes, or any of our other subjects, please register with First Tutors or find out more about us here. An instructor can make a positive impact on a student's life!