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Media / Communication Studies Tutors Near Me

First Tutors helps you locate top local Media / Communication Studies tutors. If you are looking for "the best Media / Communication Studies tutors near me", we can help.

First Tutors will help you locate private Media / Communication Studies tuition for any level from primary through to university level. We also offer online Media / Communication Studies teachers, so start finding your private Media / Communication Studies tutor today!

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  1. Ross

    Media / Communication Studies Tutor Near Me
    I am organised, dedicated and driven to help others. I enjoy learning new things and meeting new people. I love to read, analyse films, cook and plan events with friends and family. I prefer to tailor my teaching to the student by allowing them to tell me what they want or need. I like to know their...
  2. Claire

    Private Media / Communication Studies Tuition
    Experienced Curriculum Leader and Assistant Head with outstanding results such as over 40% students at GCSE achieving 9-7 grades. I am a well qualified teacher who has worked successfully in several secondary schools across South Wales, and I currently teach in a successful academy in South West Lon...
  3. Pradnya

    Media / Communication Studies Tuition Near Me
    I am a freelance illustrator with a passion for coaching students to excel in their field. With experience working as a student consultant for agencies, I am now aiming to start my own consultation service. I understand the pressures of managing multiple responsibilities, especially in competitive e...
  4. Daniel

    Private Media / Communication Studies Tutor
    I have lived and worked in Brighton and Hove all of my life. I studied English literature and Media at Sussex University and was involved in the Arts for a number of years, writing creatively as a playwright. I first began working with students with additional needs and graduated into managerial ro...
  5. Juli

    Home Tuition for Media / Communication Studies
    I am a teacher with a strong background in communication. I teach European languages and media. Traditional with a strong support of digital device and material
  6. Hayford Baah

    Media / Communication Studies Lessons
    Hello, I am Hayford. I have a doctorate degree in media and communications and a masters degree in marketing from the University of Stirling. I am a very experienced media and communications/marketing practitioner and tutor with over 10 years experience. I am always excited about the opportunity...
  7. Selina

    Private Media / Communication Studies Tuition
    I finished my MSc in Political Sociology (Distinction) at LSE a year ago, during which I took a mix of theoretical and practical courses to create a well-rounded curriculum. These modules included Contemporary and Classical Social Theory; Modern, Contemporary and Colonial History; the intersectiona...
  8. James

    Media / Communication Studies Lessons
    Hi I am James, I am a "traditigital" artist based near Glasgow. I graduated in Interior Design (applied design) from Edinburgh College of Art in 1999 and since then I worked in the 3D graphics industry making visualisations for architects, engineers, and entertainment companies. I still do freelance...
  9. Jay

    Media / Communication Studies Teacher
    I live and work in West Sussex, part time at a financial organisation in Worthing. I have a great interest in the business world and also in film and media which helps to fuel my desire to teach these skills to new students. I am patient and detailed in my approach ensuring the student is given only...
  10. Mark

    Media / Communication Studies Tutoring
    I currently teach English at a large private school in Frankfurt, Germany. Previously, I taught English and Media Studies to GCSE and A-Level standards. I like to simplify complex ideas and help students improve their problem solving skills, to ensure they gain clarity of the knowledge needed in th...

Why choose First Tutors for your Media / Communication Studies tutor search in the UK?

This is the only place to search the most skilled private Media / Communication Studies teacher for you. Each tutor is required to go through a thorough ID check. In addition, we provide extensive tutee reviews on each teacher to help you narrow your online Media / Communication Studies tutor search. Media / Communication Studies can be a demanding subject, and working with an expert Media / Communication Studies teacher can really speed up your progress. Regularly, already a little bit of extra Media / Communication Studies tuition or some extra Media / Communication Studies classes can make a significant impact! First Tutors is here to make it easy for students. Start private tuition today and find a capable Media / Communication Studies tutor near you today!

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Join First Tutors if you are an online instructor wishing to offer your online Media / Communication Studies tuition, or any of our other subjects, please register with First Tutors or find out more about what we do here. A teacher can make a positive impact on a tutee's life!