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If you prefer to speak with an education advisor about a personalised tutor match, please call Varsity Tutors UK at 0203 962 1468, to connect with an education advisor.

Casual Learner Physics Tutors Near Me

First Tutors makes it easy to find great private Casual Learner Physics tutors. If you are looking for "the best Casual Learner Physics tutors near me", we can help.

First Tutors will help you find private Physics tuition for any level from primary through to university level. We also offer online Physics tutoring, so start finding your Casual Learner Physics tutor today!

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  1. Christobel

    Casual Learner Physics Tutor Near Me
    I am a UK Qualified Mathematics Teacher, who has been teaching for over 5 years and I currently teach in secondary phase. I am the Deputy head of Department at my current school, and I am also an official GCSE Mathematics examiner/assessor for Edexcel. I received my B.Sc. degree in Biomedical Materi...
  2. Ashissh

    Private Casual Learner Physics Tuition
    I am a Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering and an MBA graduate. I have worked as a Production Coordinator and an Analyst in Manufacturing and in an Investment Broking firm. I like travelling and exploring different culture. Additionally, I like teaching and find this work extremely rewarding. I prefe...
  3. Antonio

    Casual Learner Physics Tuition Near Me
    PhD at Imperial College London. Teaching assistant at Imperial College London in the course of Maths. My background is in engineering, and applied mathematics. Patience, perseverance and passion are key for an outstanding education.
  4. Steve

    Private Casual Learner Physics Tutor
    An engineering graduate with management qualifications and one to one teaching experience of s even years, for Secondary, GCSE, AS, A and Uni students. To-date in excess of a hundred students have got a boost in their grades from my support and guidance. Given the obvious reason for students to have...
  5. Handunneththi Wasantha

    Home Tuition for Casual Learner Physics
    I am passionate about teaching children, and as a teacher, I hope to be a role model, that cultivates in young people, open minds, the knowledge and skills, and ability to look at the would critically, and the belief in ones’ capacity to make positive contributions to society. I have always excelled...
  6. Muddassar

    Casual Learner Physics Lessons
    I am an experimental physicist at the King's College London working in quantum optomechanics, specifically, I am interested in developing new and exciting experiments to push our understanding of quantum physics. Other than working in the lab, I enjoy cycling, traveling and reading fiction. What I t...
  7. Gowsa

    Private Casual Learner Physics Tuition
    My name is Gowsa and I am a Biomedical Science, BSc, graduate from Queen Mary University of London. I am also a qualified Biology and Chemistry teacher at A-level. I am an extremely patient and friendly individual who understands the difficulties a student faces from the beginning of education. I am...
  8. Fahad

    Casual Learner Physics Lessons
    I am an Electrical Engineer, working as a professional engineer for the last 10 years. I have good knowledge and understanding in Engineering and its related subjects like Maths, Physics and computers. I have done CRB Check I target my students to understand the concept behind the theory so they can...
  9. Najib

    Casual Learner Physics Teacher
    My Name is Najib **Removed By Admin** I live in London and I have a masters in Chemical Engineering from the University of Cambridge. I did 4 A-levels: Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Biology scoring 100% in most of the units. I am working in strategy consultancy as a Manager. Every student req...
  10. Hadi

    Casual Learner Physics Tutoring
    I have a Master's degree in Physics and my PhD is in Electronic and Electrical Engineering. I enjoy tutoring and have a passion for teaching and helping students to understand the concepts of physics and maths. My teaching style is to help students with the concepts and teach them how to solve any q...

Why Tutor Search?

First Tutors is the only site to find the most qualified home Casual Learner Physics tutor for educations needs. Each teacher is required to go thorough ID check. In addition, we have extensive student reviews on each teacher to help you narrow your online Casual Learner Physics tutor search. We provide tutor rates up front, so there are no hidden fees. Casual Learner Physics can be a challenging subject, and working with an expert Physics teacher can really speed up your progress!

Want to be Casual Learner Physics tutor for First Tutors?

If you are an online tutor wishing to offer your online Casual Learner Physics lessons, or any of our other subjects, please register with First Tutors or find out more about us here. Casual Learner Physics teacher can make a positive impact in tutee's life. Join First Tutors today!