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Government and Politics Tutors Near Me

First Tutors helps you locate top local Government and Politics tutors. If you are looking for "the best Government and Politics tutors near me", we can help.

First Tutors will help you search for private Government and Politics tuition for any level from primary through to university level. We also offer online Government and Politics tutoring, so start finding your private Government and Politics tutor today!

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  1. Gayle

    Government and Politics Tutor Near Me
    A friendly, empathetic and relatable teacher who really cares about their learners. I have a great rapport with my existing learners. I'm quite fun (if not biased) and when I am not teaching I love outdoor sports, high diving and mud runs galore! Everyone has the potential to achieve, and everyo...
  2. Nahyan

    Private Government and Politics Tuition
    I am currently the Head of Citizenship, and teacher of Politics at a high achieving school in North London. My students regularly get A* at A level, and 7 plus at GCSE. I have completed a degree in Politics (BA) at Goldsmiths UoL and hold a PGCE in the subject. I have attended a number of training s...
  3. Joe

    Government and Politics Tuition Near Me
    *FINAL FEW SLOTS AVAILABLE* Professional History and Politics tutor, Tutors` Association member, former university lecturer, Associate Fellow RHS, PhD, PGCE, +10 years experience. Hi! My name’s Joe and I am a full-time, professional tutor and have been offering expert tuition in A level History an...
  4. Guy

    Private Government and Politics Tutor
    The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education. Martin Luther King Junior. I am a conscientious, enthusiastic and friendly tutor offering one-to-one tuition in English and History to GCSE an...
  5. Victoria

    Home Tuition for Government and Politics
    I am Head of Politics at a leasing independent boarding school in Surrey and also teach History. I currently teach the Edexcel politics specification and specialise in Global Politics for Component Three. I have a PhD in Politics and my first degree was in History and Politics. I am friendly and app...
  6. Matthew

    Government and Politics Lessons
    I am a private tutor, History graduate and actor with two years’ experience in tuition after working as a TA and Cover Supervisor. During my degree I completed modules in a wide range of periods, and was selected for a placement at a secondary school to study Education. In my acting vocation I have ...
  7. Mohammad

    Private Government and Politics Tuition
    I am Maths, English, Urdu and a Business Management graduate. Teaching is my passion and I ensure my students get the best of their ability with coaching and support. I do one to one as well as group tuitions. I motivate my students and coach them to achieve the best in their lives.
  8. James

    Government and Politics Lessons
    My name is James and I`m a postgraduate enthusiastic to teach History, Politics, Philosophy and English Language/Literature at GCSE and A Level. I`m also happy to teach essay techniques within arts subjects at Bachelor`s degree level. I have two degrees and completed my BA at Cambridge in History a...
  9. Dev

    Government and Politics Teacher
    I am Dr Dev Maitra, Director and CEO of DRM TUTORS LTD. I am an established Academic, Lawyer and businessman, and have been a Senior Research Fellow, Senior Lecturer & published author, with over seventeen years teaching/tutoring experience, both in the public and private sector. I am a Fellow of th...
  10. Alastair

    Government and Politics Tutoring
    I've been a lecturer in Sixth Form and Further Education Colleges for many years-and it's a job I love! Keeping up to date with subject knowledge is important. I am an ambassador for Parliament's Education Unit after their Teachers' Institute residential training and regularly attend the seminars ho...

Why choose First Tutors for your Government and Politics tutor search in the UK?

This is the only place to search the best local Government and Politics tutor for your educational needs. Each teacher is required to go through a thorough ID check. In addition, we provide extensive tutee reviews on each tutor to help you narrow your online Government and Politics teacher search. Government and Politics can be a difficult subject, and working with an expert Government and Politics teacher can really speed up your progress. Often, already a little bit of extra Government and Politics tuition or some extra Government and Politics classes can make a huge impact! First Tutors is here to make it simple for you. Start private tuition today and find a professional Government and Politics tutor near you today!

Become a Government and Politics teacher in the UK!

Join First Tutors if you are an online tutor wishing to offer your online Government and Politics classes, or any of our other subjects, please register with First Tutors or find out more about what we do here. A tutor can make a positive impact on a student's life!