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Currently in second year Studying Design Engineering at Imperial Collage London (MEng).
Through my University course I have continued to develop my Technical knowledge and understanding, fused with a creative and problem solving mindset.
Am a friendly, social and outgoing person who engages in lots of activities outside of university such as Sailing and Mountain Biking.

Tutoring Experience

2 years of Tutoring experience. Begun during my gap year where I thought GCSE maths and Physics.

Tutoring Approach

My approach is to make connections between what is being learnt and the real world. This is key for gaining relevance and engagement in what is being taught, even at the most basic level.
I find that clear communication of the fundamentals of the subject are the most important thing to help the student progress, tailoring the learning pace to every ability.
This of course comes alongside having a clear pathway and structure to the lessons which will guide the student effectively towards exams or assessments.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Imperial Collage London2023MastersDesign Engineering
King Edwards VI Southampton2021CollegeA-Level Maths
King Edwards VI Southampton2021CollegeA-Level Phsyics
King Edwards VI Southampton2021CollegeA-Level Design and Technology

Josh's Feedback

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