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I am an experienced language teacher with a PGCE and a degree in Modern Languages from Oxford University. I have also completed an MA in Linguistics, specialising in second/third language acquisition. Outside of the classroom, I enjoy travelling, reading, cooking and going to the cinema.

Tutoring Experience

I have seven years of experience in teaching French and Spanish at secondary school level. I have worked in both state and private schools, and in mixed school as well as boys/girls schools. I have taught both in class and online.

Classes/subjects that I can offer:
- primary level languages, offering an introduction to the language through videos and games
- K3 French and Spanish, to equip students with the grammar, vocabulary and exam skills in preparation for GCSE
- GCSE French and Spanish - I have indepth knowledge of the courses (AQA, Edexcel, Edexcel iGCSE, Cambridge iGCSE) and the exam skills required. I can offer classes tailored to a particular skills (e.g. speaking or writing) or more general classes
- A Level French and Spanish - I have experience in teaching the specifications for AQA, Edexcel, Edexcel International, and WJEC. I am able to provide tuition on the film element of the course (La Haine, Intouchables, Volver, El laberinto del fauno) and the literature element (Un sac de billes, Bonjour tristesse, No et moi, Como agua para chocolate, Cronica de una muerte anunciada, La casa de Bernarda Alba)
- functional French and Spanish classes for casual learners who want to communicate effectively in the language

Tutoring Approach

My approach depends on the objective of my students. I try to include a variety of activities to cover the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, to ensure that progress is made across all skills areas. For students wishing to learn a language for academic purposes, I obviously also include grammar and vocabulary. For students who are more interested in functional language skills, my main focus is on communication via speaking, and using authentic resources to prepare them for life/holidays in a foreign country.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


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Toulouse University2019MastersMA Linguistics
Department for Education2013QTSQualified Teacher Status
Roehampton University2013PGCEPost Graduate Certificate in Education
Oxford University2008BachelorsBA Modern Languages & Linguistics

Lesley's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 5 references


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