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I'm a dedicated tutor and teacher with over 10 years' full-time experience. Having worked with children from primary school through to A-level, I deeply enjoy helping students feel a greater confidence in their abilities and enjoy the subjects they are learning.

Tutoring Experience

I have worked with students across London and the UK on a one-to-one basis as well as in small groups. Alongside tutoring, I teach Biology at the West London Performance Academy and Science at Sophia High School (an online high school). I also work with a number of tutoring academies and agencies including West London Tutoring, Justin Craig Tuition and JD Tutors.

I have experience working with children with special educational needs including ADHD, autism and dyslexia.

I obtained a PGCE (teacher training qualification) at the University of Warwick. I also completed a BSc degree in Biomedical Science at Imperial College London.

Tutoring Approach

My primary goal is to transform the way students learn and help them become curious, self-motivated and resilient learners.

I focus on building a strong working relationship with students, highlighting their strengths and helping them to trust their own abilities. My goal is to help them develop a growth mindset (so that they feel ready to take initiative themselves) and tackle more challenging problems on their own.

I aim to go over new concept in different ways until a student is completely satisfied with it. I really enjoy working with young people and helping them reach their full potential.

I currently tutor most students online.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Spanish
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Imperial College London2012Bachelors2:1 Biomedical Science
University of Warwick2014PGCEPGCE Primary (Maths Specialism)
The TEFL Academy2015OtherTEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language)

Roshan's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)1
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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